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Potential seagrass ecosystems in the province of Riau Islands Indonesia

Coastal areas that are potential resources in Indonesia, which is a transitional area between land and ocean. This huge resource which is supported by the presence of a coastline of about 81,000 km. Long coastline holds potential for great wealth of natural resources. The potential is among the potential biological and non biological. Potential biological example: fisheries, mangrove forests, coral reefs, seagrass beds and not left behind, while the potential non-biological example: minerals and mining, and tourism.

Seagrass beds are grouped into four groups, namely natural (pristine), prone (disturbed), conversion (Altered), and specific (emergent). Extensive seagrass beds in Indonesia is estimated at 30,000 km2. From the area of 30,000 km2 of seagrass, an estimated 10 percent had suffered damage. At present there are no rules or guidelines surrounding the management of seagrass ecosystems. In Indonesia, there were 12 species of seagrasses (of which there are 49 species worldwide) plus one species of Halophila Beccari, which is thought to exist.

Riau Islands region with the capital Tanjungpinang has its own characteristics and consists of thousands of big and small islands scattered in the South China Sea and the meeting between the South China Sea, Straits of Malacca and the Strait Karimata. Geographically, the region Tanjungpinang City is located in Bintan Island with the position is at 51 'to 59' north latitude and 23 'to 34' east longitude. Administratively, the City Tanjungpinang divided into 4 districts and 18 villages with a total area of the city is 239.50 km or 23,950 ha. Mainland wide of 131.54 km or 13,154 ha and the sea area of 107.96 km or 10,796 ha. Geological circumstances Tanjungpinang City partly hilly and sloping valley to the sea and the river has seven pieces, namely: Ladi River, River Guguss, Sipayung River, River Senggarang, Terusann River, River Papah, and Gesekk River. Riau Islands region consists of 1062 islands and not less than 345 pieces of which are uninhabited, while the rest though not inhabited, but some have been exploited for agricultural activities, especially the plantation business. The islands are largely covered by sea water. Physiographic islands affect ecosystems that form in the Riau Islands are dominated by shallow marine ecosystems. Natural ecosystems found in coastal areas of Riau Islands in succession from the ground is shallow marine waters, coral reefs, seagrass beds, sea grass, mangroves and beaches. Seagrass ecosystems is one of the lush ecosystems contained in the Riau Islands.

Seagrass is the higher plants (Angiospermae) that have adapted to live immersed in sea water. Seagrass ecosystems has a variety of benefits, namely as a place to live for a variety of other tropical marine life that seagrass beds have a total species diversity is very high and very productive, with shapes and colors are varied, but also in terms of ecological functioning of seagrass as a producer of detritus and nutrients.

Shallow waters in Riau Islands have 48 species of seaweed and five seagrass species. Marine plants which consists of a group of seagrass and seaweed almost spread all over the island group and are associated with the ecosystem of mangroves and coral reefs. The types of seagrass are found in the Riau Islands, among others: Cymodocea rotundata, C.serrulata, Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Holodule pinnifolia, H. Uninervis, Holophila ovalis, Syringodium isoetifolium and Thalassodendrum ciliatum.


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