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Metode Pot Biopori Pada Tanaman Pot Indoor

Penggunaan limbah rumah tangga menjadi sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagi lingkungan merupakan kegiatan yang langka. Hal ini dilakukan oleh siswa-siswi di SMAN 1 Tanjungpinang. Limbah langsung dikolektifkan perkelas dan dapat dikelola ketika pelajaran Lingkungan Hidup dan Pertamanan.

Adapun limbah yang digunakan antara lain :
  1. Botol minum aqua/merk lainnya
  2. Kain perca bekas yang dapat menyerap banyak air.
  3. Paku dan Api ( sebagai pemolong dasar botol)

Dan Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan antara lain:

  1. Bagian dasar botol dibolongkan sekitar 5 atau 6 titik dengan paku panas.
  2. Kain perca digunting lebih kecil agar mudah dimasukkan kedalam botol, dan dipadatkan sampai tiga per empat isi botol.
  3. Kemudian isikan air kedalam botol tersebut, jika airnya hanya merembes sedikit melalui celah lubang botol itu berarti kegiatan ini sudah benar.
  4. Lalu tanamkan botol tersebut pada pot indoor.

Manfaat dari metode ini:

  1. Menyiram tanaman ketika air didalam botol mulai habis (sekitar 3 sampai 4 hari) dan tidak becek.
  2. Pemadatan tanah pada pot dapat teratasi.
  3. Penyuburan tanah karena tanah tida mengalami pemadatan sehingga akar dengan mudah berkembang.

LET'S TRY............!!!!

The occurrence of the process of Muddy Coast

Muddy beach is a beach full of mud, black, and smelly. The smell comes from the decay of dead animals and plants. Type of beach like this usually are often found in river estuaries. In this area found many animals and plants that are resistant to extreme environmental conditions. Extreme environment is the environment where the majority of living beings in general are not able to live. The animals in that environment will survive with fresh water from the river at low tide and the sea water at high tide.

The occurrence of Muddy Coast Process:

  • Mud from land taken to the sea via rivers.
  • Mud from the sea brought to shore by the current direction.
  • Mud from land and sea to settle to form sludge exposure, then there was a muddy beach

Types of biota that existed at the muddy shore :

Animal :
Types of animals that are often found in muddy beach is barking snails, mud snails, crabs, mud worms, clams, snails, fish restaurant, monitor lizards, crocodiles, snakes, birds, and monkeys.

Plant :
While the vegetation is of the type of mangroves and seagrass beds.

Typical Characteristics Muddy Coast

Characteristic of this beach is usually: the muddy beach is a beach full of mud, black, and smelly. The smell comes from the decay of dead animals and plants.

Relationships between biota

The relationship between the biota is clearly visible, which is between the proliferation of mangroves and seagrasses. This beach is also there that the food chain between plants and animals live.

Human Role In Maintaining Balance Environment

One thing that can not be removed from the ecosystem is the human population increasing from time to time may result in lowering the value of our ecosystems. Utilization of natural resources out of control can bring a whole ecosystem becomes unbalanced. Therefore, controlling the human population needs to be regulated in such a way so as not to exceed nature's ability to support it. Here biodiversity needs to become an integral part in improving life on earth.

Natural law states that anyone is strong, he will win. In terms of the number of individuals and species, the species that have more offspring more strongly than in species that few offspring. Species that have a descendant of 'rare' will have a small chance to be able to beat its rival. Competition between species would arise when the two populations or the creature's fighting the same needs. Needs referred to here include a need for food, habitat, protection of the safety of themselves and their group or the influence of climate, the influence of solar radiation and so on.

Ecosystem components in the form of energy is very important in maintaining the viability of existing components in the ecosystem. In the study of ecosystems, natural ecosystems component applies the laws of nature as well. The laws relating to energy for living things among which are the first law of thermodynamics, second law of thermodynamics.

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can be converted from one form to another, are sustainable energy, can not be created and destroyed. Sunlight, for example, can be converted into other energy forms that depend on the processes that terjadi.Misalnya solar energy is converted into heat energy, solar energy is converted into chemical energy that generates potential energy in food and solar energy is converted into electrical energy for lighting can be used by humans to meet their needs.

The second law of thermodynamics states that any system will always tend to change from a state that regularly becomes irregular circumstances. This means that any energy that enters the bodies of living, population or ecosystem can be regarded as stored energy or energy that can be released. In such circumstances the life of this creature can be considered as a modifier of energy. Because living things are diverse, it will be found a variety of strategies to transform the energy as a manifestation of the laws of thermodynamics.

In the history of life, human beings who first willing to accept the mandate of God to manage the universe. People have always tried to be master of the universe. Here human beings are most entitled to organize, organize, and use the environment according to his needs, while other creatures are often not given the opportunity to organize the universe. Thanks to the ability in terms of thinking, reasoning human beings can manage, take advantage of natural resources and non-biological for the necessities of life and living. How to use natural resources is done through a variety of ways all of which were addressed to the prosperity of life, human welfare and survival of children with downs. Man in managing and utilizing natural resources through their intellectual abilities, in addition there is usefulness for living things but also there is a negative side that appears. Effects that always accompany the destruction of natural resources and often also destroy the natural resources of flora and fauna as well as the man himself.

In the creation of beings, God created man as a creature of the most perfect than other creatures. Humans are equipped with the mind and heart to solve the problems it faces, while other creatures do not have a sense of mind. Humans can think of the future offspring, so people can make better planning to retain its presence on this earth.

Environmental impact assessment

Strategic issues of environmental control efforts include three essential elements, namely how to dig and

  1. Finding the most dominant source of pollution,
  2. Finding the circulation of harmful wastes,
  3. Doing solving solutions.

Dig and find the source of pollutants carried through the study of environmental aspects, both the natural environment and social environment. It is recognized that humans and the environment interact and affect each other. Which factor is more dominant influence is highly dependent of the human role in that environment.

Environmental pollution is a process of entry of material or energy into the environment that can cause unwanted changes both in terms of physical, chemical and biological thus negatively impacting health, the existence of the creature life, especially human and other organisms. Materials that pollute the environment are called pollutants. Pollutants may include material / particles or energy.

These pollutants into the surrounding natural environment can occur from various causes, such as unhealthy behaviors in a group of people, population growth is not matched by the facilities and environmental facilities are adequate, the use of natural resources that do not pay attention to its preservation, the amount of pollutants that is not balanced by environmental carrying capacity and application of technology that is not offset by the application of science of ecology.

Understanding the environmental impact analysis is closely related to human understanding of the changes caused by an activity. In the case of these activities necessarily involve aspects of the activity, whether related to economic, political, social and cultural rights. Each activity should be based on proper planning, and forwarded to the implementation of appropriate regulations and was followed by monitoring and evaluation. Planning aspects associated with human thought in making the right frame of mind, the blueprint of what is decent and what is not feasible to be developed.

In this case humans can design activities to be undertaken and its impact on the environment. Environmental impact assessment of activities carried out before the implementation of development projects or business activities carried out.

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